News - Update - Project completed
The Project Surgeons4Surgeons is completed.
The first delivery already arrived at the hospitals last week. We are currently collecting donation for the next shipment.
We like to thank each and every person involved for their commitment!
Dr. Alexander Hofmann, chief doctor of clinic for accident surgery and Orthopedics, published an Article about the current Surgeons4Surgeons aid project. You can find the article on https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/surgeons4surgeons-hilfe-f%C3%BCr-ukrainische-krankenh%C3%A4user-hofmann or just click the button below:
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Relief Action Surgeons4Surgeons
my name is Mykolai Filippovych.
I was born in Kyiv and studied medicine in Ukraine. In order to realize my dream of becoming a good trauma surgeon I came to Germany in the year 2013. I completed my specialist training in the Clinic for Trauma Surgery and Orthopedics 1 of the Westpfalz-Klinikum in Kaiserslautern and I am currently undergoing further training in "Special Trauma Surgery" at Prof. Dr.med. A. Hofmann in Kaiserslautern.
In my homeland currently an internecine war is taking place. The suffering of my compatriots can hardly be described. A week ago, I received a call for help from two hospitals - the regional clinical hospital in Zaporizhia and the military hospital in Vinnytsia. I am in direct contact with both hospitals and talk to Dr. Olga Bohdan and Dr. Oleksandr F. on a daily basis.
In both hospitals a great need for some special supplies is given. The number of injured and wounded has increased sharply in recent days and weeks. Due to the lack of material and the increasing number of patients the local trauma surgeons have big problems in providing adequate care for the injured and are asking for our help.
Together with the chief physician Prof. Hofmann and the entire team at my clinic, we started a crowdfunding project in order to help as quickly as possible.
We also ask for your help!

The following Hospitals received aid/donations from us:
Hospital Zaporizhzhia
Hospital for War Veterans
Why do we collect the donations?
We need an aid organization that can handle the purchase of the relief supplies quickly and unbureaucratically since we do not have the infrastructure for this ourselves and the implant-companies do not sell to private individuals without extensive preliminary checks. As a nonprofit public institution, our hospital cannot make monetary donations, product purchases or sales.
The organization Green Value supports aid projects with specific needs and in which the implementation is transparent for all donors. There are no administration or overhead fees or incidental costs. We have the assurance of this aid organization that the donated money will benefit our aid project down to the last cent and we thank them very much.
What is needed?
Above all, both hospitals need external fixation systems, jet-lavage and vacuum bandages in order to be able to treat broken bones and open, dirty wounds. With an external fixation, a broken bone can be straightened and stabilized very quickly and effectively (see pictures) without having to perform a major operation. This means that many patients can be treated quickly and effectively in a very short time with limited resources. Bone fractures can be treated not only temporarily with an external fixator, but in many cases also permanently with little risk (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fixateur_externe).
With the so-called jet lavage, a dirty wound can be cleaned quickly and effectively.
With a vacuum bandage infected and dirty wounds can be neatly bandaged after surgical cleaning which greatly reduces the risk of infection. Such a bandage can be life-saving for many wounded (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vakuumtherapie).

Why are these materials needed now?
According to our colleagues, the hospitals' own stocks have largely been used up and the number of injured people has increased sharply. According to feedback from both hospitals, there is still an adequate supply of bandages and medication. External fixation systems and vacuum bandages, on the other hand, are urgently needed and can currently no longer be delivered on site.
How expensive is the treatment of broken bones?
According to the offers we have, a "supply" in the simplest version costs 500 to 1,000 EUR. These are already greatly reduced purchase prices, as both of our suppliers support our aid project and are already selling the products to us at significant discounts. We are very grateful to them for that!

How is the transport of the relief supplies organized?
The purchased and donated products are delivered by the aid organization S.O.S. Ukraine e.V (https://www.facebook.com/sos.ukraine.eu/) to both hospitals in the Ukraine right to the front door and handed over personally. The chairman of the association S.O.S. Ukraine e.V. carries out the transport by himself. He is personally known at Vinnytsia Hospital and has already carried out several aid transports there. In that way we can be sure that our relief campaign is targeted and help is provided where it is needed.